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Modernize Your Legacy Applications in the Cloud

Published by: Informatica

In the last year, enterprises and industries of all kinds faced rapidly changing business environments and widespread disruption. They either adapted, or found themselves leapfrogged by more agile competitors.
In this eBook, we show how application modernization is a journey—one that has its challenges, but is achievable and doesn't require rebuilding. Many organizations are just now starting on that journey. But at the end of it, you will have a foundation for deploying hundreds or even thousands of modern applications: real-time, on-demand, scalable, modular, lightweight, easy-touse, and easy-to-develop applications that will drive your digital transformation initiative to success.
Download now for the 3 Keys to a Successful Application Modernization.

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Lang: ENG
Type: Whitepaper Length: 14 pages

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