Pure Storage FlashRecover, Powered by Cohesity
Data continues to grow at an unprecedented rate, and the rise in the value and volume of data has coincided with the increased adoption of all-flash in enterprises worldwide. Yet many backup environments remain unchanged, unable to meet new demanding recovery requirements, cloud services demands, and the data reusability needs of modern use cases such as DevOps and analytics.
Therefore, the need to ensure flash-enabled fast, reliable, and simple backup and recovery of data—at scale—is greater than ever before. Increased occurrences of ransomware attacks, including the recent are a constant reminder that this is becoming an even more critical problem.
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Related Categories: AIM, Analytics, Applications, Backups, Cloud, Connectivity, Data Analytics, Data Storage, DevOps, Digital transformation, Disaster Recovery, ERP, Hardware, Machine Data, Network, Operating System, Server, Software, Storage
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Data continues to grow at an unprecedented rate, and the rise in the value and volume of data has coincided with the increased adoption of all-flas...